ACDGEN 1.0 is Now Available!

Today we're excited to release a brand new product: ACDGEN!

ACDGEN is a Max for Live advanced pattern generator designed to create 16th note, acid-style basslines and melodies. It features an easy to use interface, 7 different modes / algorithms, automatic pattern variations, non-destructive pattern manipulation, pattern shifting,  advanced settings (Tweaks) and the ability to save generated patterns as MIDI clips. 

Here's the overview video for ACDGEN 1.0:


While working on my own live set for the past 3 years, I came accross many different bassline / melody generators (such as Skinnerbox's STING) however I always felt that they lacked certain features that I believe would be incredibly helpful when playing live therefore I decided to work on my own solution.

My goal for ACDGEN was to create a device that can generate really good results, help me do more while playing live, and is easy and fun to use to use live but also has enough depth to be used in studio.

 ACDGEN uses 7 different algorithms to generate it's patterns. Here's a brief description of each one of them.
     - Normal: a simple and straight-forward random algorithm.
     - Floor: uses a smaller selection of notes and has a higher probability of playing the fundamental / base note (great for basslines).
     - FifthOct: limits the note selection to the fundamental / base note and it's fifth.
     - Upwards & Downwards: generated a sequencer that tends to go up or down in the selected scale.
     - Up-Stepped & Down-Stepped: similar to Upwards and Downwards but it can also alternate between higher / lower notes and the fundamental / base note.

The device also includes other powerful features such as a Pattern Shifter (a 4-step sequencer designed to transpose the entire pattern), the ability to automatically generate and switch between different variations of the main pattern, a Restore button to revert to the previously generated pattern, a Pattern visualizer, and more.
 While ACDGEN was designed to be an incredible tool for live performances, it can also be used in studio. Features like the Tweaks view (which lets you tweak how the pattern generator works and influence the different algorithms) and the ability to export the generated patterns as MIDI clips are great when using ACDGEN for music production.
I believe ACDGEN is a great tool for electronic musicians who are looking to improve their live setup or new ways to get inspired when working on their next songs.

ACDGEN is available for U$14.99 at

If you'd like to keep up with our latest releases and projects, feel free to follow us on Twitter (@SpektroAudio), Instagram (@SpektroAudio) and on Facebook (/SpektroAudio).

Until next time!

Ícaro Ferre (@icaroferre)

Fragments 1.2 is now available!

We're excited to announce that the new 1.2 update for Fragments is now available and includes some great new features and improvements!

Check out the overview video for Fragments 1.2:

Here's the complete change-log for the 1.2 update:

New Features:

  • Live Input processing*: Fragments can now be used as an audio effect / processor.  To use this mode, route any audio track to the Fragment's track and set it to Live Input mode. Because Fragments runs in a MIDI track, you can still trigger each of the 8 voices via MIDI even while using the Live Input mode.
  • Free running LFO: you can now disable the sync for the LFO and set it to any frequency between 0 and 20 Hz.
  • Tempo-synced delays: the delay times can now be set to clock divisions (1/2 to 1/128 note).
  • Wider range for motion time divisions: Motion rate can now be set up to 4 bars.
  • Added Dry / Wet parameter (only available in Live Input mode).

Bug fixes / Improvements:

  • Fragment's window now remains always on top while opened.
  • Increased contrast for butons and labels
  • Added missing comments / annotations
  • Renamed the Delay Feedback pararameter to Delay FB/Mix.

* Ableton Live 10 (or newer) is required for Live Input processing due to new changes that were recently added to the Max for Live API.

Existing Fragments customers will receive a download link for the new update via e-mail.

Fragments is a Max for Live granular synthesizer designed to generate glitched and percussive loops. It's available for U$19.99 at

If you'd like to keep up with our latest releases and projects, feel free to follow us on Twitter (@SpektroAudio), Instagram (@SpektroAudio) and on Facebook (/SpektroAudio).

Until next time!


Fragments 1.1 is now available!

Today we're releasing the brand new 1.1 update for Fragments, our Max for Live granular synthesizer!

This new update adds new features, improvements and bug fixes. Check out the overview video we've put together for this incredible new update:

If you're a fan of change-logs, here's a list of what's new in Fragments 1.1:

- New Sequence Storage feature: quickly store and recall up to 9 different sequences.
- New Voices section: mute and trigger any of the 8 granular voices. The Voices section also include a new Flip button that can be used to solo voices (flip all to on and turn mute off for the voice you'd like to solo) or to creatively switch between 2 sets of voices.
- New Auto Randomizer: randomize all parameters automatically.
- All parameters now include 2 additional buttons:
    • RST: click to reset all 8 sliders to their default value.
    • Global Randomizer: disable to prevent the parameter from being randomized by the Auto Randomizer and the "Randomize All" button.
- Minor bug fixes and design changes.

Existing customers will receive a new download link for the new update via email.

Fragments is available for U$19.99 at

To celebrate the release of Fragments 1.1 and the holiday season, we're offering a 20% discount for any of our products.
To take advantage of this offer, add any products to your cart and use the coupon code FRAGMENTS11 at checkout.
This offer is valid until December 31th, 2017.

If you'd like to keep up with our latest releases and projects, feel free to follow us on Twitter (@SpektroAudio), Instagram (@SpektroAudio) and on Facebook (/SpektroAudio).

Until next time!

Nucleation mk2 1.1 is now available!

The new Nucleation mk2 1.1 update is now available and it adds great new features and improvements to our wave-shaping and bit crushing Max for Live device such as a re-designed DSP engine, 2 new wave-shaping modes, Timbre parameter, and more.

Check out the overview video that we've prepared for the new 1.1 update:

Here's a complete change-log of what's new in this update:

New Features:

  • Nucleation now sounds more organic and precise due to it's re-designed DSP engine.
  • 3 new wave-shaping modes:
    • High Def: New high quality mode which generates more organic and hamonically rich timbres.
    • Classic: Replicates the grittier and harsher sound of Nucleation mk2 1.0.
    • Lo-Fi: Uses a lower quality waveform to generate timbres that sound more digital and old-school.
  • New built-in Compressor that reduces the dynamic range of incoming signals.
  • New Timbre parameter that changes the sound by adding extra harmonics.

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • The DC-Offset parameter now shows values in percentage (0 to 100%).
  • The Drive knob no longer generates artifacts when automated / modulated.
  • Minor changes to the design of the device.

We're also prepared a video demo of Nucleation and it's new features, check it out below:

The 1.1 update for Nucleation mk2 is free for existing customers. If you've already purchased a copy of Nucleation mk2, check your email inbox for a download link for the new version.

Nucleation mk2 is available for U$9.99 at

To keep up with our latest news, make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Until next time!

CV Toolkit 2.8 is now available!

Today we're releasing the new CV Toolkit 2.8 update which includes support for microtonal scales, Scala (.scl) files, secret options, and other improvements and enhancements to the software!

Check out the overview video for the new update:

Microtonal Scales

The new 2.8 update includes support for Microtonal scales so you can now create and use alternative scales outside the standard 12-tone equal temperament notes. CV Toolkit also includes a number of different microtonal scale presets for you to try and experiment. 
The microtonal mode in CV Toolkit follows the Scala standard (meaning you can express values in cents, ratios and fractions) but it also lets you add absolute Hertz values.
Scala files (.scl) created using other softwares / hardwares can also be imported into CV Toolkit and saved as a scale preset for later use.

Secret Options

We're added two secret options in CV Toolkit for automatically enabling DSP and adjusting the Calibration Level (accuracy). Please check the Secret Options section of the User Manual for more information.

Misc Improvements & Fixes

This new update also includes a new Reset input for the Sequencer module, improvements to the DSP engine for the Windows version (which should fix issues related to certain audio interfaces) and other minor bug fixes and improvements.

For more information about this new update, check out CV Toolkit's User Manual.

The new 2.8 update is  free update for all existing CV Toolkit customers. 

CV Toolkit 2 is available for U$19.99 at

To keep up with our latest news, make sure to follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

Until next time!

Introducing Patchbook – A Markup Language for Modular Synth Patches

Hello everybody! This is Icaro Ferre and today I'd like to share something I've been working on called Patchbook.


GitHub Repo:

To put it simply, Patchbook is an open-source markup language / standard designed to be easily readable and writeable by humans that can be used to write down modular synth patches.
My goal for Patchbook is to create a standard that can help users write down patches in a way that could also be potentially used by different websites, educational tools, applications and services.

Here's an example of a patch written using the Patchbook markup language:

- Metropolis (Pitch) p> Braids (1v/oct)
- Metropolis (Gate) g> Function (Trigger)
- Braids (Out) -> Optomix (Ch1 Signal)
- Function (+ Out) >> Optomix (Ch1 CV)
- Function (- Out) >> Braids (Timbre CV)

* Metropolis:
| BPM = 124
| Swing = 0
| Root = F
| Scale = Minor
| Mode = F. Forward
| Stages = 16

* Braids:
| Mode = Fold
| Timbre = 30%
| Timbre CV = -20%
| Color = 0%

* Function: Rise = 50% | Fall = 50% | Curve = 30%
* Optomix: Damp = 0% | Control = 100%

The official parser (a simple python program) can process .txt files written in the PatchBook format and output a JSON file that could be used by other applications to display and process the patch's data (a diagram of the data structure is available on the GitHub page).
Programmers should have no problem using the JSON files generated by the parser to create all kinds of different patch visualizations, processing, etc.

Example of a signal Flow chart generated using the Patchbook parser and the GraphViz Online Editor.

The parser also includes additional functions like the ability to automatically create signal flow charts (using GraphViz), to display all the information related to a single module in the patch and also to display all connections organized by type (gate, pitch, audio, etc).
While I hope others can also create programs to use the Patchbook standard for different application, I also plan on adding more built-in functions to the official parser.

While the initial release of Patchbook should work great with simple patches, there might be issues when using it with larger and more complex patches that I might have not considered yet so I highly recommend keeping up with the project on GitHub.

I hope Patchbook can be used to help the modular synth community grow and become even more knowledgeable.

As always, feel free to get in touch with me via Twitter (@SpektroAudio or @icaroferre), email (via Contact page), Facebook, Email, Muffwiggler PM, GitHub, etc.

Until next time! 


CV Toolkit 2.7 is now available!

Today we've releasing the new CV Toolkit 2.7 update. This new update includes a new module, support for the Expert Sleeper ES-5 module, Hz/V calibration, new Layouts features and many other bug fixes and improvements.

Check out the overview video for the 2.7 update:

Here's the complete change-log of what was added to this latest update:

The new Buffer module.

The new Buffer module.

New Buffer module: Buffer is a new free module included in the Factory pack that can record and play back audio or CV signals. The module offers 3 different record (transport, manual, or Gate Bus) and play back (One-Shot, Loop, or Control CV) modes, variable playback rate, as well as the ability to import and export audio samples.
You can use the Buffer module to record and manipulate CV modulation signals, play back audio samples and record loops and samples coming from your modular synth.

• Added a new Compatibility Mode for the Expert Sleepers ES-5 module: You can now use an Expert Sleepers ES-5 paired with and ES-3 or ES-8 to get additional gate outputs from CV Toolkit. For more details about the ES-5 implementation, please check the User Manual.

New Layouts import / export features: You can now easily import or export one or all Layouts as JSON files. This is feature useful for backing up and sharing your Layouts with other CV Toolkit users.

New Settings save / recall method: We're completely re-written the way CV Toolkit stores it's settings and the new method should fix issues related to saving and restoring settings. 

• 3 new Themes: Frozen, Flashy and Cinema.
• Added support for HZ/V calibration in the Notes module.
• Added a new Phase parameter to the LFO module.
• Added a new Output Range parameter to the  Sequencer module.
• The Notes Module can now output a steady gate signal to a selected Gate Bus channel during calibration.
• Fixed bug that'd prevent Gate Bus Channel #4 from working correctly.
• Updated Ableton Link support.
• Improved default Layout.

For more information about this new update, check out CV Toolkit's User Manual.

This is a free update for all existing CV Toolkit customers. 

CV Toolkit 2 is available for U$19.99 at

To celebrate the release of the 2.7 update, we're offering a 20% discount for any of our products (including the Mod7 pack and the Fragments synthesizer) until August 9th, 2017.
To get the discount, simply add any products to your cart and use the coupon code CVTK27.

To keep up with our latest news, make sure to follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

Until next time!

Fragments is now available!

Today we're releasing a brand new Max for Live device called Fragments.

Fragments is a granular synthesizer that can generate 8 different voices that can be sequenced to generate glitch loops.
Because of it's granular engine, Fragments will have a completely different sound depending on the sample loaded into it's buffer.

Check out the overview video for Fragments:

Fragments also includes some amazing features such as randomizers (global and individual per parameter), a modulation source that can be used to control different parts of the granular engine, and a Motion feature that lets you shuffle the value of a specific parameter between the 8 granular voices.

We designed Fragments to be intuitive and fun to use. Simply load any audio sample, press play on Live and start editing and randomizing the different parameters.

Here are some of the audio demos that we've created using Fragments:

Fragments is available for U$19.99 at

If you'd like to keep up with our latest projects and releases, make sure to follow us on Twitter and on Instagram (@SpektroAudio).

Until next time!

Mod7 pack and CV Toolkit 2.6.1 update are now available!

Today we're releasing the new Mod7 pack for CV Toolkit and the 2.6.1 update which includes bug fixes and improves support for the new modules.


The new Mod7 module pack for CV Toolkit is now available and it includes 7 amazing new modules: AutoSlide, Drunk Modulator, Function Generator, Game Controller, Infinite Sequencer, Loop Extractor, and Variable Clock!

Check out the overview video we created for Mod7 to see all the new modules in action:

The Mod7 pack contains some of the most advanced modules we've developed for CV Toolkit to date and we believe it'll be a great addition to the CV Toolkit platform.

For a detailed description of each of the modules contained in the pack, please check the Mod7 section on the CV Toolkit User Manual.

Mod7 is available for U$9.99 on the CV Toolkit product page.

We've also included Mod7 in the new CV Toolkit – Complete Bundle 2. The bundle now includes all packs available to date (Deluxe, Beats, VBrazil and Mod7) and it's available for U$49.99.
If you've already purchased the Complete Bundle 1, then you can purchase the new Mod7 separately. Notice that we've also raised the price of the bundle to accommodate for the new pack in order to treat both our new and existing customers equally.

Please notice that the Mod7 pack requires CV Toolkit 2.6 or higher. If you're using an earlier version, you'll need to update CV Toolkit to properly run the new modules.
If you need help updating, please get in touch with us via our Contact page.

CV Toolkit 2.6.1 Update

Today we're also releasing the 2.6.1 update for CV Toolkit to fix some bugs that were found during the Mod7 development.

While these bugs are not critical, we highly recommend updating to ensure full compatibility with the new modules.

Existing customers will receive a new download link for the new update via email.

If you'd to know more about our future projects, follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@SpektroAudio) and Instagram (@SpektroAudio).

Until next time!


CV Toolkit 2.6 is now Available!

The new CV Toolkit 2.6 update is now available and it includes many new features and improvements to the CV Toolkit software.

Our main goal for this update was to improve CV Toolkit's sync features and many of the components that make up the virtual modules' framework. This new update also includes many small improvements to the virtual modules in order to improve the software's workflow, flexibility and usability.

Check out the overview video for the new CV Toolkit 2.6 update:

synchronization & Timing

We're excited to announce that the 2.6 update adds support for the new Ableton Link technology. Ableton Link lets you easily syncronize CV Toolkit to a number of different applications such as Ableton Link, Propellerheads Reason, Serato DJ, iMaschine 2, Korg Gadget, iMPC Pro and many others.
To enable Link, go to the Sync / Misc tab on CV Toolkit's side-bar and select Link as your sync method.

While MIDI Clock sync has always been an available as a sync method ever since CV Toolkit 1, we re-designed how it works behind the scenes in this new version to make it better and more reliable than ever.

To make both of these sync methods more accurate and reliable, we added a Sync / Delay compensation feature and changed how the modules generate their own internal clocks and sync to clocks generated by other modules.

New Modules

The new 2.6 update also adds two new virtual modules to the Factory pack: ADSR & Input.

ADSR Module

ADSR is a 4-stage linear envelope generator. It's a simple yet very useful module.


The new Input module lets you bring external CV signals into CV Toolkit via an Expert Sleepers ES-6, ES-7 or ES-8 module. It includes a built-in attenuverter, offset generator, slew generator and bipolar half-wave rectifier to help you shape incoming signals.
You can also use the Input module to bring external clock signals into CV Toolkit and distribute them to the virtual modules via the Gate Bus.

New Features & Improvements

We've also added many new features and improvements to CV Toolkit and it's virtual modules:

• The framework we built for the virtual modules was re-designed to be more efficient and to include new features that will be used by new virtual modules released in the future.
• Keyboard Representation for the Global Quantizer so you can now quickly visualize which notes are turned on or off.
• Virtual modules such as the Sequencer and Sample & Hold can now output their internal clocks to the Gate Bus.
• The Sequencer module now includes an Auto-Slide feature. When enabled, Auto Slide will adjust the sliding time between the steps according to the their value difference. You can also set the maximum slide time from 5 to 150 ms.
• The Snap feature in the ScanGraph module is now available as a button on the module's panel.
• Adjusted the length of the triggers generated by the Clock Generator, Reset, and Euclidean Sequencer (Deluxe Pack) modules (now 20ms).

For a complete change-log of this new version, check out the Change-Log section in the User Manual.

We've worked hard to make the new CV Toolkit 2.6 update as good as possible and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
A new module pack is also in the works and will be released soon!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@SpektroAudio) and Instagram (@SpektroAudio) for previews and other announcements!

Until next time!

Introducing CV Toolkit Mini - Max for Live Device

The first version of the CV Toolkit Max for Live device (prior to the Standalone Version).

The first version of the CV Toolkit Max for Live device (prior to the Standalone Version).

Three years ago we release one of our first Max for Live devices: CV Toolkit. The idea for this device was to have a simple control voltage generator capable of creating some basic modulation signals such as LFOs, random voltages and envelopes.

We were so excited about this device that, in order to expand the idea further, we had to turn it into a proper standalone piece of software. This is basically the TL:DL story of CV Toolkit Standalone Version.

CV Toolkit Standalone Version became so much more powerful than it's Max for Live counterpart that we stopped working and updating the M4L device. This decision eventually led to confusion since many users would see 2 products / projects that shared the exact same name and were completely different from one another (free vs paid, simple vs powerful, 2013 vs 2016).

After thinking about this situation for a while, we decided to remove the old CV Toolkit Max for Live device and work on a completely new device: CV Toolkit Mini.

Our goal for CV Toolkit Mini was to bring the design and workflow of CV Toolkit 2 into a simple yet quite powerful M4L device.
CV Toolkit Mini includes a Clock Generator, an LFO, a S&H, 2 envelopes (AD and ASR), a multiplier, an offset generator, 2 oscilloscopes (for the 2 outputs), and, of course, a mini routing matrix.

Using these features you can clock, modulate and control your modular synthesizers in many different ways, specially once you start combining these modules in different ways using the routing matrix.
We also added a protection mechanism that uses the Live API to prevent the device from sending DC signals to your main speakers. 

While our business goal for CV Toolkit Mini is to promote the more powerful CV Toolkit 2 Standalone version, we are happy to give back to the community a device that is useful, powerful, elegant, and fun to use and explore.

CV Toolkit Mini is available for free at
The download includes the Max for Live device and 10 presets to get your started.

If you'd like to support our work, make sure to check out CV Toolkit 2 and our other Max for Live projects.

To keep up with our latest news, make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Until next time!

Distribute is now available!

Today we're releasing Distribute, a brand new Max for Live device that is designed to improve the workflow of working with multi-channel plugins in Ableton Live.

Here's the overview video for this incredible new device:

Our main goal for Distribute was to remove the hassle of working with multi-channel plugins such as Drum Machines (like Arturia's Spark and D16's Drumazon), Samplers (like Native Instrument's Kontakt) and even Multi-Timbral Synthesizers (like Reaktor).

Instead of having to manually create additional audio outputs and MIDI inputs for your plugins, you can use Distribute to automatically create, rename and route as many additional tracks as you need.

Version 1.0 also includes options for creating a bus track and changing the pattern that it uses for naming the additional tracks it creates.

Distribute will help you save time and CPU power by automating the process of working with multi-channel plugins so you can use fewer instances of the same plugins.

Distribute is available for U$9.99 at

As always, don't forget to follow us on Twitter (@SpektroAudio) and on Instagram (@SpektroAudio as well).

Until next time!


CV Toolkit 2.5 is now available!

We're excited to announce that CV Toolkit 2.5 is now available and it includes major new features and enhancements.

Ever since we first released CV Toolkit 2, we've been receiving many user requests for major features and, for this update, we decided to fulfil many of these requests.

Check out the overview video for this new update:

Here's some more information about the new features that were added:


Layouts are now more powerful and useful because they now remember all the settings for each of the modules, multiple VCO calibrations, custom titles, routings made via the Routing Matrix, internal CV buses assingments, as well as the setting for the global quantizer and voice mode.
You can now use Layouts to store the entire patch of a song, ideas for live-performance patches, and when you re-load any of these stored layouts, CV Toolkit will restore to the exact same state as it was when the layout was saved.

After loading an existing layout, you can also click on the squares that represent the 12 slots (inside the Layouts Preview container) to reset the parameters of the corresponding slot back to the stored values. This is a great feature for resetting certain modules back to their stored settings after jamming for while.


CV Toolkit now includes a variety of different themes that let users customize the interface to better suit their taste and needs.
The new themes are: Tech, Forest, Red Velvet, Grayscale, NightLife, Anachrome and High Contrast.

While some of these themes were added for aesthetic reasons,  NightLife, Anachrome and HighContrast were designed to work as accessibility features as well.
NightLife and Anachrome were both designed to use colors that are not affected by different kinds of colorblindness (Deuteranopia and Tritanopia respectively).
High Contrast was designed to help users that struggle with low contrasts.

Our goal is to continue to add new themes in future updates.

OSC Integration

The new OSC implementation in CV Toolkit 2.5 is much more advanced than the first version available in CV Toolkit v1.
It's now easy to create and map custom OSC templates to now control any of the 12 slots.

If you'd like to control, for example, the Frequency of a LFO module loaded in Slot #4, all you need to do is to add a knob / dial to your OSC template editor (using any OSC application such as Lemur or TouchOSC) and set it to send OSC to the address: /4/Frequency.
To control the Scan position of a Scangraph module loaded in Slot #9, create an knob in your editor and set it to send OSC signals to: /9/Scan
It's that simple.
The new OSC implementation also lets you control global parameters such as BPM, MIDI Clock sync and transport control.

We highly recommend creating Layouts that match your OSC templates. This way you can always make sure that the modules are loaded in the correct slots according to your OSC mapping (and vice-versa).

Custom Titles

Some users pointed out how complicated it could be to keep track of the purpose of each of the virtual modules when used in more complicated patches (specially when using multiples of the same module).
In order to solve this issue, CV Toolkit now lets you assing custom title to any of the currently loaded modules
You could, for example, rename the Notes module according to the name of the VCO it's calibrated.

To check out all the changes included in this new version, check out CV Toolkit's change-log available in the User Manual.

The new CV Toolkit 2.5 update is free for all existing customers.
CV Toolkit is available for U$19.99 at

To keep up with what we're currently working on, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

Until next time!

CV Toolkit 2.2 Update is Now Available

The new 2.2 update for CV Toolkit is now available and it includes many new (and most-requested) features, enhancements and bug fixes.

Check out the overview video that we've created for this new update:

Here's a list of all the new changes that we added to CV Toolkit 2.2:

Updated Notes module in CV Toolkit 2.2

Updated Notes module in CV Toolkit 2.2

  • The Notes module can now save and restore calibration files. When an existing calibration file is loaded, the Notes module will automatically validate it and display the results via the new Smart Tuner. For more information about this feature, check out the User Manual.
  • The Notes module now remembers the Input Channel.
  • Custom scales can now be saved and deleted from the Quantizer / MIDI Settings tab.
  • Re-designed CV to MIDI CC Converters to add individual On / Off toggles and initial burst (for MIDI mapping).
  • New Layouts design.
  • The Voice Mode setting is now stored within Layouts.
  • New toggle button for the routing matrix visual-feedback mode.
  • The MIDI Pitch Bend range can now be adjusted from the Quantizer / MIDI Settings tab.
  • Added triple divisions and multiplications to the Clock Generator and PWM Clock modules.
  • Added ratio mode to the Morphing VCO module.
  • Added “Velocity” toggle button to AD Envelope.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Gate Sequencer module to drift out of time when using triplet clocks.
  • The GateBus Display leds on the Utility Rack are now numbered.

Don't forget to check out the updated User Manual for more information about these new features and enhancements.

We've been working hard to continue to make CV Toolkit better with each new update. If you'd like to suggest new enhancements, features or even ideas for future module packs, get in touch with us via our Contact form!

CV Toolkit 2.2 is a free update for all existing CV Toolkit customers.

For more information about CV Toolkit 2, including some great video tutorials, visit

Until next time!


CV Toolkit 2.1.1 Update and a New Video Tutorial

2016 is here and we already have some great news to share with you, including a new CV Toolkit update and a new video tutorial!

CV Toolkit 2.1.1

The new 2.1.1 update for CV Toolkit is now available and includes a brand new app icon, new Retina graphics, and many bug fixes.
We're already working on the next 2.2 update which will include many user-requested features.

If you've already purchased a copy of CV Toolkit, check your email inbox for a new download link.

New Video Tutorial:  Combining Modules via the Gate Bus

A new CV Toolkit video tutorial is now available! Watch it and learn how you can combine multiple CV Toolkit modules using the internal Gate bus to create a clocked and quantized sequence.

Art + Music + Technology Interview

I (Ícaro Ferre) was recently interviewed by Darwin Grosse on his "Art + Music + Technology" podcast.
During the interview, I talked to Darwin about modular synthesizers, CV Toolkit, Max for Live, and my background in music and technology.

The interview is available at

If you'd like to keep up with our latest news and check out what we've currently working on, don't forget to follow us on Twitter and on Instagram

Until next time!

Nucleation MK2 is now available!

We are excited to announce that the new Nucleation MK2 Max for Live device is now available!

Nucleation was the first device we ever released and it combines wave-shaping and digital distortion into a single device. The new MK2 version includes many new features and removes many of the friction points that existed in the previous versions.
Since the first version was released more than 2 years ago, we decided to re-design and re-write Nucleation from scratch. 

Check out the overview video for this new version!

One of the best new features of the new MK2 is that it completely removes the need for WAV files that were previously used as the indexes for the wave-shaper and, instead, it generates these waveforms on the fly based on the Editor parameters and presets. 
This new mechanism also allow users to directly manipulate and edit the waveforms using the built-in editor.

The new editor was designed to be easy and fun to use. To create your own waveforms, you can use the Waveform Mixer to mix between the 6 pre-generated waveforms and then use the Waveform Effects to further manipulate the waveform.
You can also store your custom waves to your user bank to use it in future projects.

MK2 not only sounds great but it also includes many other new features such as Drive, 2 completely new digital distortion algorithms and 4x Oversampling mode.

The new Nucleation MK2 Max for Live device is available for U$9.99 at
Existing MK1 customers will receive a coupon code via email for a special upgrade price!

If you'd like to know more about our future projects, don't forget to follow us on Twitter and on Instagram

Until next time!


CV Toolkit 2 Tutorial – Calibration / MIDI to CV

As we mentioned on Twitter and on Instagram, we've been working on a new video tutorial series for CV Toolkit 2 and the great news is that the first video, focused on Calibration and MIDI to CV using CV Toolkit, is now available!

This first tutorial will teach you how to properly calibrate your oscillators using the Notes virtual module and play them using any MIDI controller. The video also explains how to create / patch a proper monophonic synth voice using CV Toolkit's Gate Bus and some more modules (an envelope and a VCA).

Keep in mind that this tutorial explains everything about the Audio and MIDI Settings as if the user was trying the Calibration feature for the first time. 
Once those settings have been properly configured, CV Toolkit will store and recall them automatically when the program is loaded which vastly reducing the amount of time necessary to go through the entire process.

We're already working on the next video tutorial which will focus on creating a properly quantized sequence using the Clock Generator, the Notes and the Sequencer modules.
If you have any suggestions for future videos, feel free to get in touch with us!

For more information about CV Toolkit, visit

To keep up with our latest tutorials and releases, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

Until next time!

GrainFlux 2.0 is now available!

The new 2.0 update for GrainFlux, our granular / hybrid Max for Live synthesizer, is now available and it includes new features, enhancements and bug fixes!


Check out the overview video for this new update:

Our goal for this new update was to take GrainFlux to the next level and add new features (such as the new modes, Center parameter, Multi-Stage envelope, Filter FM, etc) that would allow the user to create even more interesting timbres and sounds.

Here's a list of what's new in GrainFlux 2.0:

6 new modes: Regular, Inverted, Alternate, Ringmod, Min/Max and Max/Min.
     ↳ Regular: Wave 1 and Wave 2 are mixed together normally.
     ↳ Inverted: Wave 1 and 2 are mixed together while Wave 2’s phase is flipped 180º.
     ↳ Alternate: Alternates between Wave 1 and Wave 2.
     ↳ RingMod: Wave 1 is multiplied by Wave 2.
     ↳ Max/Min: positive part from Wave 1 + negative part from Wave 2.
     ↳ Min/Max: negative part of Wave 1 + positive part from Wave 2.
New Center parameter: modifies how the modes operate in different ways depending on the mode.
Added a new Multi-Env mode to Envelopes 1 and 2. The user has the option to select which mode he/she would like for each of the envelopes independently (ADSR or Multi-Env).
New post-VCA effect: Karplus. Karplus uses the a very short delay line that can be used to  add subtle reflections or a longer metallic “tail” to the sound.
Added enhancements to LFO: new Phase, Reset, and Shape controls.
• Re-designed Filter modulation engine to be more flexible and precise.
Added Filter FM with selectable modulation source (Bass Oscillator or Grain Wave).
• Added MIDI Velocity as a modulation source for the Filter’s Cutoff.
• Fixed the range and scale of the Bass Boost and Grain Wave knobs to work in dB (instead of linear gain).
• Changed the scale of all Modulation knobs as well as the Pre-Drive and Feedback knobs to 0-100%.

As usual, existing GrainFlux customers will receive the new 2.0 update for free via email (keep an eye on your inboxes!).

GrainFlux is available for U$14.99 at

Until next time!



New Beats Pack, CV Toolkit 2.1 and Complete Bundle

Hi everybody!
Today we'd like to announce 3 great news related to CV Toolkit 2: the new Beats pack, the new 2.1 update, and the CV Toolkit 2 – Complete Bundle.

Beats Pack

While CV Toolkit already includes many different sources of modulation, it only ever had very few virtual modules that were focused on creating gate / trigger sequences / rhythms therefore we decided to create the Beats pack.
The new Beats pack is a brand new module pack for CV Toolkit 2 and it features 5 modules : Binary Sequencer, Clock Quartet, Gate Sequencer, Sequential Rhythms and VC Random Gates.

Check out the overview video:

  • Binary Sequencer uses binary representations of the latin letters to create 8-step gate sequences. Each letter will generate a different sequence / pattern which can also be rotated and flipped via the panel controls and CV inputs. 
  • Clock Quartet uses 4 different clock dividers combined using OR logic (inspired by the Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot module) to create interesting sequences. Each of these clock dividers can be set to different rate, time shift, pulse-width and probability.
  • Gate Sequencer is a simple and easy to use sequencer with separate sequencing layers for probability and pulse-width per step. The length of the sequence can be set from 4 to 32 steps.
  • Sequencial Rhythms is a 4-stage switcher that can be sequenced to create interesting gate patterns. Each of the 4 stages include a clock divider that can be set to a specific rate / clock division. The built-in sequencer can be clocked internally, externally (via the Gate Bus), or controlled directly via the module's CV input (CV Mode) and can be set to 3 different modes: FWD (Forward), BWD (Backwards) or RND (Random). 
  • The VC Random Gates generates musically quantized random gates. With Complexity at 0%, the module will have a 70% probability of generating quarter notes. As you increate the Complexity amount, the module reduces the probability of generating quarter notes and increases the probability of creating shorter notes (1/6, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/32). 

The modules available in the new Beats module pack.

The new Beats Pack is available for U$ 9.99 at

CV Toolkit 2.1 Update

The new 2.1 update for CV Toolkit is now available and it fixes some bugs related to the Expert Sleepers ESX-4CV/ESX-8CV compatibility, other bugs we've found in some of the virtual modules, and enhances some of the features related to the CV to MIDI CC converters.

Many users have reported problems when using CV Toolkit with the Expert Sleepers ESX-4CV and ESX-8CV modules. After review our implementation of the Expert Sleepers encoders, we believe we found what was causing the problems. During the development of 2.1, we sent beta versions to some of these users and we were happy to hear that the problem got fixed without any (reported or noticed) backslash. 
In order to ensure better compatiblity, we had to change some of the details related to how the setup works so we ask users to double check the manual for more info.

The 2.1 update also adds the option of the changing CV Toolkit's MIDI output channel (available in MIDI Settings). This new setting makes CV Toolkit compatible with other MIDI to CV converters such as the Mutable Instruments CV Pal (which requires MIDI CC signals to be sent to channel #6).
While converting CV to MIDI CC and back to CV does degrade the signal in some ways, we believe that having that as a option can be useful and fun.
If a user had, for example, an Expert Sleepers ES-3 and a Mutable Instruments CV Pal, he/she'd be able to send out 12 simultaneous output signals from CV Toolkit to his synthesizer: 2 continuous signals (such as LFOs and S&H) and 2 gate signals (Gate Bus 1 and 2 for example) from the CV Pal (using CV Toolkit's CV to MIDI CC converters and CV Pal's Channel 6) and 8 other signals from the ES-3.
We see this more as a fun added bonus than a main feature.

If you'd like to know more about this new update, check out CV Toolkit's changelog. This new update is free for all existing customers and will be available via email

CV Toolkit 2 – Complete Bundle

While we believe that the new module packs are the best for users to expand CV Toolkit's functionality and help us continue to develop and work on the application, we wanted to offer a easy all-in solution.

The new CV Toolkit 2 – Complete Bundle is an easy way for new customers to get everything that is available for CV Toolkit without having to get everything separately. Since we didn't want to be unfair to our existing customers, we decided that the only benefit of buying the bundle would be that new customers will get the VBrazil LFO for free (which was also offered for free for all customers at first but is now paid).
We also chose not to give any further discounts because we try our best to price CV Toolkit as reasonable as possible.
We believe this will be fair and simple enough for everybody and will let new customers choose to either start with just the basic set (CV Toolkit by itself) or go all-in and get everything at once.

The CV Toolkit 2 – Complete Bundle (which includes the CV Toolkit 2 software and the Deluxe, VBrazil LFO, and the new Beats packs) is available for U$39.99 and it's also available at

If you'd like to keep up with our latest projects, follow us on Twitter (@SpektroAudio) and on Facebook (

Until next time!

Sonic Mayhem – Doomsday Producers Edition

Hi everybody!

We're extremely proud to finally announce that our first artist collaboration is now available: Sonic Mayhem's Doomsday  – Producers Edition.
Doomsday is Sonic Mayhem's debut album and the Producers Edition adds many useful tools for composers, sound designers and produces.

Check out the overview video:

During the creation of Doomsday, we worked together with Sascha Dikiciyan aka Sonic Mayhem to create an exclusive Kontakt library and 2 brand new Max for Live devices for the Producers Edition.

Kontakt Library

The Kontakt library includes drums, bass and lead instruments which were carefully sampled from Sonic Mayhem's own setup. Most of these instruments were created using his incredible Eurorack modular synthesizer.
All the Kontakt patches included in the Producers Edition feature a special interface which lets the user fine tune the sound to their own needs.


We also worked with Sascha to create two exclusive Max for Live devices for Doomsday: the OmegaSEQ and the AlphaDTR.


The OmegaSEQ is an 8-step sequencer and it let's the user record 8 notes using any MIDI controller. 
When set to Play mode the user will be able to play the original recorded sequence by playing the note C3. All the other notes will play and transpose the sequence according to the note interval between the note played and C3. In other words, D3 will transpose by 2 semitone, C4 will transpose by 12 semitones and so on.
OmegaSEQ also includes 2 very interesting features: a velocity sequencer and the Tension knob.
The velocity sequencer offers an easy and quick way to edit the MIDI velocity of all the 8 steps. It also features a smart random button which creates different rhythmic sequences.
The Tension knob is useful for creating build-ups without having to automate the internal parameters of your synthesizers. It works by increasing the velocity and gate length of all the steps while decreasing the swing amount. 


The AlphaDTR is an audio effect focused on distortion. It uses a combination of a distortion circuit (based on chebyshev polynomials) and a bit-crusher to distort and destroy everything your send to it, Doomsday style.
While AlphaDTR's main interface consists of only 3 easy-to-use parameters, the user also has the option to open the advanced settings for more granular control over each parameters.

Both Max for Live devices and the Kontakt library were created exclusively for Doomsday and were created with the same care as all our other products.
We're extremely proud to be part of this amazing project and to have it as our first ever artist collaboration.

The Doomsday Producers Edition is available exclusively at