ACDGEN 1.0 is Now Available!

Today we're excited to release a brand new product: ACDGEN!

ACDGEN is a Max for Live advanced pattern generator designed to create 16th note, acid-style basslines and melodies. It features an easy to use interface, 7 different modes / algorithms, automatic pattern variations, non-destructive pattern manipulation, pattern shifting,  advanced settings (Tweaks) and the ability to save generated patterns as MIDI clips. 

Here's the overview video for ACDGEN 1.0:


While working on my own live set for the past 3 years, I came accross many different bassline / melody generators (such as Skinnerbox's STING) however I always felt that they lacked certain features that I believe would be incredibly helpful when playing live therefore I decided to work on my own solution.

My goal for ACDGEN was to create a device that can generate really good results, help me do more while playing live, and is easy and fun to use to use live but also has enough depth to be used in studio.

 ACDGEN uses 7 different algorithms to generate it's patterns. Here's a brief description of each one of them.
     - Normal: a simple and straight-forward random algorithm.
     - Floor: uses a smaller selection of notes and has a higher probability of playing the fundamental / base note (great for basslines).
     - FifthOct: limits the note selection to the fundamental / base note and it's fifth.
     - Upwards & Downwards: generated a sequencer that tends to go up or down in the selected scale.
     - Up-Stepped & Down-Stepped: similar to Upwards and Downwards but it can also alternate between higher / lower notes and the fundamental / base note.

The device also includes other powerful features such as a Pattern Shifter (a 4-step sequencer designed to transpose the entire pattern), the ability to automatically generate and switch between different variations of the main pattern, a Restore button to revert to the previously generated pattern, a Pattern visualizer, and more.
 While ACDGEN was designed to be an incredible tool for live performances, it can also be used in studio. Features like the Tweaks view (which lets you tweak how the pattern generator works and influence the different algorithms) and the ability to export the generated patterns as MIDI clips are great when using ACDGEN for music production.
I believe ACDGEN is a great tool for electronic musicians who are looking to improve their live setup or new ways to get inspired when working on their next songs.

ACDGEN is available for U$14.99 at

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Until next time!

Ícaro Ferre (@icaroferre)