New Beats Pack, CV Toolkit 2.1 and Complete Bundle
/Hi everybody!
Today we'd like to announce 3 great news related to CV Toolkit 2: the new Beats pack, the new 2.1 update, and the CV Toolkit 2 – Complete Bundle.
Beats Pack
While CV Toolkit already includes many different sources of modulation, it only ever had very few virtual modules that were focused on creating gate / trigger sequences / rhythms therefore we decided to create the Beats pack.
The new Beats pack is a brand new module pack for CV Toolkit 2 and it features 5 modules : Binary Sequencer, Clock Quartet, Gate Sequencer, Sequential Rhythms and VC Random Gates.
Check out the overview video:
- Binary Sequencer uses binary representations of the latin letters to create 8-step gate sequences. Each letter will generate a different sequence / pattern which can also be rotated and flipped via the panel controls and CV inputs.
- Clock Quartet uses 4 different clock dividers combined using OR logic (inspired by the Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot module) to create interesting sequences. Each of these clock dividers can be set to different rate, time shift, pulse-width and probability.
- Gate Sequencer is a simple and easy to use sequencer with separate sequencing layers for probability and pulse-width per step. The length of the sequence can be set from 4 to 32 steps.
- Sequencial Rhythms is a 4-stage switcher that can be sequenced to create interesting gate patterns. Each of the 4 stages include a clock divider that can be set to a specific rate / clock division. The built-in sequencer can be clocked internally, externally (via the Gate Bus), or controlled directly via the module's CV input (CV Mode) and can be set to 3 different modes: FWD (Forward), BWD (Backwards) or RND (Random).
- The VC Random Gates generates musically quantized random gates. With Complexity at 0%, the module will have a 70% probability of generating quarter notes. As you increate the Complexity amount, the module reduces the probability of generating quarter notes and increases the probability of creating shorter notes (1/6, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/32).
The modules available in the new Beats module pack.
The new Beats Pack is available for U$ 9.99 at
CV Toolkit 2.1 Update
The new 2.1 update for CV Toolkit is now available and it fixes some bugs related to the Expert Sleepers ESX-4CV/ESX-8CV compatibility, other bugs we've found in some of the virtual modules, and enhances some of the features related to the CV to MIDI CC converters.
Many users have reported problems when using CV Toolkit with the Expert Sleepers ESX-4CV and ESX-8CV modules. After review our implementation of the Expert Sleepers encoders, we believe we found what was causing the problems. During the development of 2.1, we sent beta versions to some of these users and we were happy to hear that the problem got fixed without any (reported or noticed) backslash.
In order to ensure better compatiblity, we had to change some of the details related to how the setup works so we ask users to double check the manual for more info.
The 2.1 update also adds the option of the changing CV Toolkit's MIDI output channel (available in MIDI Settings). This new setting makes CV Toolkit compatible with other MIDI to CV converters such as the Mutable Instruments CV Pal (which requires MIDI CC signals to be sent to channel #6).
While converting CV to MIDI CC and back to CV does degrade the signal in some ways, we believe that having that as a option can be useful and fun.
If a user had, for example, an Expert Sleepers ES-3 and a Mutable Instruments CV Pal, he/she'd be able to send out 12 simultaneous output signals from CV Toolkit to his synthesizer: 2 continuous signals (such as LFOs and S&H) and 2 gate signals (Gate Bus 1 and 2 for example) from the CV Pal (using CV Toolkit's CV to MIDI CC converters and CV Pal's Channel 6) and 8 other signals from the ES-3.
We see this more as a fun added bonus than a main feature.
If you'd like to know more about this new update, check out CV Toolkit's changelog. This new update is free for all existing customers and will be available via email.
CV Toolkit 2 – Complete Bundle
While we believe that the new module packs are the best for users to expand CV Toolkit's functionality and help us continue to develop and work on the application, we wanted to offer a easy all-in solution.
The new CV Toolkit 2 – Complete Bundle is an easy way for new customers to get everything that is available for CV Toolkit without having to get everything separately. Since we didn't want to be unfair to our existing customers, we decided that the only benefit of buying the bundle would be that new customers will get the VBrazil LFO for free (which was also offered for free for all customers at first but is now paid).
We also chose not to give any further discounts because we try our best to price CV Toolkit as reasonable as possible.
We believe this will be fair and simple enough for everybody and will let new customers choose to either start with just the basic set (CV Toolkit by itself) or go all-in and get everything at once.
The CV Toolkit 2 – Complete Bundle (which includes the CV Toolkit 2 software and the Deluxe, VBrazil LFO, and the new Beats packs) is available for U$39.99 and it's also available at
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Until next time!