ACDGEN 1.1 is Now Available!
/The new 1.1 update for ACDGEN is now available and it includes a new complementary device, better integration for the Ableton Push 2, and some important bug fixes.
Check out the new video demo we’ve prepared to demonstrate the new ACDBRAIN device and the improved Push 2 integration:
Our focus for this new update was to make ACDGEN even better for live performances and studio jam sessions therefore we’ve developed a new complementary Max for Live device called ACDBRAIN, a free add-on for ACDGEN which allows the user to control up to 4 instances of ACDGEN from the Push 2’s User mode.
Because it uses the User mode, the user can switch between the Push’s regular functionality and ACDGEN at any moment by clicking on the User button.
Button layout for each of the 4 quadrants in ACDBRAIN.
ACDBRAIN divides the Push 2 grid into 4 quadrants and each instance of ACDGEN can be assigned to one of those quadrants. The 16 buttons available on each quadrant control length, transposition, variations, density and pattern generation according to the diagram on the right.
Each quadrant can also be assigned to different colors to make it easier for users to visually associate them with the different instruments / instances.
ACDBRAIN uses the open-source AP2JS script that we’ve developed for the Push 2. AP2JS is available at
Because ACDBRAIN and the new Push 2 integration were designed using new changes to the Max for Live APIs, Ableton Live 10 is required (ACDGEN will continue to work in Live 9 except for these new integrations).
The 1.1 update also includes the following improvements and fixes:
Patterns can now be generated via the Push 2’s 1/32t button (will light up green when track is selected).
MIDI Export now works when the device is grouped.
Note lengths on export MIDI clips now properly match the generated patterns.
While this release focuses on the Push 2, we hope to add support for the Push 1 and other controllers in future updates.
The new 1.1 update and the ACDBRAIN devices are free for all existing ACDGEN customers (new download links will be sent via email).
ACDGEN is a Max for Live advanced pattern generator and it’s available for U$14.99 at
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Until next time!