Free Push M4L Sequencer, GrainFlux 1.1 and Black Friday Sales

Today we've got three great news to share: the release of PS-8, our new Max for Live sequencer for the Ableton Push, a new update for our GrainFlux synthesizer and a special Black Friday sales.

PS-8 - Free Max for Live Sequencer for the Ableton Push


PS-8 is a 8-step analog-style Max for Live sequencer for the Ableton Push inspired by analog sequencers such as the Korg SQ-10 and Moog 960 Sequential Controller.
It's great for live performance and improvisation. 

The main difference between PS-8 and other Push sequencers is that it uses the Push encoders to change the pitch / velocity of the eight steps and rows of pads to control other parameters such as gate length, shuffle amount and direction.

More details about PS-8, as well as the free download link, are available at


GrainFlux 1.1 Update

The new 1.1 update for GrainFlux is now available. It fixes bugs related to UI controls and it adds better integration with the Ableton Push.All the parameters are now displayed and organized in banks on the Push.

Here's a video demo of how you can use Push to control GrainFlux:

This a free update and existing GrainFlux customers will receive the download link via email.

If you'd like to know more about GrainFlux, check out


Black Friday Sales

For the first time, we're offering a Black Friday sales. Get 20% off of any of our products by using the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY_14 at checkout. 
This offer is valid until 12/05/2014.


If you'd like to keep with our latest news and projects, follow us on Twitter (@SpektroAudio) and on Instagram (@SpektroAudio).

Until next time!